Apple iPod nano (3rd generation) Owner's Manual | Page 12

Apple Audio Owner's Manual - iPod nano (3rd generation).
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Chapter 1    iPod nano Basics 


Disconnecting iPod nano
It’s important not to disconnect iPod nano from your computer while music is being 
synced. You can easily see if it’s OK to disconnect iPod nano by looking at the 
iPod nano screen.

Important:  Don’t disconnect iPod nano if you see the “Connected” or “Sync in Progress” 
messages. You could damage files on iPod nano. If you see one of these messages, you 
must eject iPod nano before disconnecting it. 

If you set iPod nano to manage songs manually (see “Managing iPod nano Manually” 
on page 24) or enable i
Pod nano for disk use (see “Using iPod nano as an External Disk” 
on page 46),
 you must always eject iPod nano before disconnecting it.

If you see the main menu or a large battery icon, you can disconnect iPod nano.

Important:  If you see one of these messages, you must eject
iPod nano before disconnecting it.
